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Beattock and Moffat Academy Cluster

About our Library

Miss Gibbon, Library Assistant 



Moffat Academy hosts a library in Primary and another in Secondary, where Miss Gibbon is based.  

Library News Author Visits Library Gallery
Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is a term which is used in the United Kingdom to describe a type of library that exists within an educational setting such as Secondary Schools, Further Education Colleges and Universities. We provide a safe, friendly and resourceful setting for all students and staff with vibrant and interesting eye-catching displays.
The Aims of Moffat Academy Libraries
  • To provide students and staff with a wide range of books and multimedia resources to support teaching and learning.
  • To offer a quiet place to study
  • To provide a suitable area for student mentoring sessions.
  • To provide a location suitable for group and independent research.
  • To provide opportunities to browse and discover.
  • To provide photocopying access and service.
  • To provide a smooth library transition for pupils from P7-S1 with an Induction programme followed by continued support. 


The School Library Assistant-
  • Is welcoming and friendly.
  • Makes reading relevant and enjoyable.
  • Motivates pupils to read.
  • Is helpful and supportive to both pupils and staff.
  • Is resourceful and creative.
  • Provides IT support.


The School Library Assistant Promotes Reading and Literacy Skills with:
  • Book promotions.
  • Author Visits.
  • Ideas for promoting reading for enjoyment.
  • Colourful and relevant displays celebrating reading and books.
  • Reading Reward Schemes.
  • Organising special events to celebrate days such as World Book Day, Book Week Scotland and Roald Dahl Day.