BGE (Broad General Education)-Senior Phase
S1/2: Broad General Education - our Foundation Phase Key Features:
- In S1 and for the first half of S2 pupils will continue to experience a broad general education across all 8 curriculum areas – courses have recently been updated and rewritten to ensure coverage of all outcomes and experiences specified in Curriculum for Excellence for pupils in this age group - see period allocation below.
- Subject staff have also started to make links with staff in other subject teams to discuss approaches to enhance pupil experience and link the learning experiences and outcomes.
- The national drive to raise standards of literacy and numeracy will be taken up by all subject teams and opportunities to reinforce skills in these areas have been embedded into new courses.
- All staff have been involved in moderation exercises focussed mainly on literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing.
- All staff will continue to develop their skills with the techniques delivered through the Big Writing Programme to ensure a coherent approach to writing (particularly functional writing).
- The need for Scots to focus on improving Health and Wellbeing will be addressed by all staff through updated Social Education programmes / assemblies / Health Week activities / visiting speakers etc.
- Opportunities for personal achievement / participation will be encouraged and pupil involvement will be recognised – the school works in partnership with Community Learning and Development to accredit pupil achievement (John Muir Award / ASDAN / Certificate of personal effectiveness).
- Tutor reports will focus on personal achievement/ participation/ development of 4 capacities/personal support in planning next steps / options etc.
- Pupils will be more engaged in reviewing their progress and will be aware of the next steps in their learning – they will have opportunities to contribute to their own report.
S2/3 Broad General Education - some opportunities to choose?
Key Features:
Pupils will continue to develop a broad general education. S2 pupils will continue with subjects in the core curriculum (see subjects and period allocations) for 4 of the 8 curriculum areas;
Halfway through S2 pupils will have some limited choices about the subjects they will study in 4 of the 8 curriculum areas i.e. within science, social subjects, technologies and expressive arts pupils will be able to “major” in two of the specific subjects within the broad area;
All pupils will be encouraged to continue with a Modern Language;
Programmes of study for the remainder of S2 and S3 will generally aim to complete Level 3 outcomes and experiences from the full curriculum areas and then target level 4 and level 4+ for the “chosen” subjects;
The focus on embedding literacy/numeracy/Health & Wellbeing into courses by all subject teams will continue - a standard template for making this overt will be available to show how this will be done;
Links between different subject areas will be strengthened through the introduction of new interdisciplinary projects in both S2 and S3;
Activities to promote Health & Wellbeing will continue to be delivered by tutors/Health & Wellbeing staff through PSE slots/assemblies/Health Week/visiting speakers;
Opportunities for personal achievement/participation will be encouraged and pupil involvement will be recognised through accredited schemes where possible;
A pupil profile detailing achievements to date will be produced for pupils at the end of S3;
Pupils will be more engaged in reviewing their progress and will be aware of the next steps in their learning - they will have opportunities to contribute to their own report.