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Beattock and Moffat Academy Cluster

School Improvement Plans


Moffat Academy SIP 2024/25

Beattock Primary SIP 2024/25

Each year the school will publish a School Improvement Plan which outlines the key priorities for the school during the year ahead, following engagement with staff, pupils and parents. The plan indicates the expected impact of priorities on pupil learning, as well as providing brief information about the key tasks to be taken forward. Both the report and the plan are published on the school’s web-site:

A copy can also be found by searching for your school at www.dumgal.gov.uk/ schools

All staff, pupils, parents and partners should be involved in improving the life and work of the school. A School Improvement Plan is written by the Head teacher and staff but should reflect a range of stakeholders who take lead roles in aspects of school improvement. This includes children and young people, parents and partners.

The Parent Connect plays a key role in this and have arrangements in place for gathering the views of parents. Schools are also offering parents more opportunities to engage with their child’s learning through better use of new technology and face to face opportunities.

Standards and Quality Report

Standards and Quality Report 2023.24