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Beattock and Moffat Academy Cluster

Beattock Nursery, 2022/23 - Term 2

Glasgow Science Centre

The term started with our Maths Week Scotland event at the Glasgow Science Centre.

Stay and Play

It has been great to restart Stay and Play this term.

Little Treasures

Our baby, toddler and parent group meets every Tuesday afternoon for baby massage and treasure basket play. Miss Murray and Mrs Dowson plan some fantastic experiences. This term we’ve had two special events, Messy Hallowe’en and Messy Christmas!

Community Involvement

 We love going out and about in beautiful Beattock. We like its parks, nature and helping our neighbours too. We made a Guy for Beattock’s Bonfire Night at The Stables and sang a few Christmas songs to the Lunch Club there. We have been collecting for our Christmas Hampers and looking forward to delivering them to the elderly in Beattock.

Play is the Way

 Play is a child’s occupation as you’ll see from the concentration and intent in our pupils.

‘The gift of an unhurried childhood is a wonderful thing.’

Follow the Star

Thank you to all our wonderful parents for joining in. And a special thank you to Santa and his Elf for coming all the way from the North Pole to see us.

The 4 Capacities at Beattock and Moffat Academy Cluster!

The school’s curriculum is founded on 4 Capacities that are embedded in all that we do from ages 2 to 18.

The four capacities are probably familiar to many: successful learners, effective contributors, responsible citizens and confident individuals.

So when we have we Moffat Academy Senior pupils coming on placement or coming to help in the nursery we get to see these four capacities shining through. We are so proud of our S4 Childcare student, Alex Frame, who planned and led her first lesson so confidently, effectively and successfully; and of Senior pupils, Dylan Bruce and Elliott Hepburn for being our special Christmas visitors.

Winter Sledging

Enjoying the winter! Sledging at Beattock.




Merry Christmas everyone and see you in the New Year!