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Beattock and Moffat Academy Cluster

Moffat Academy Whole School News 2024/25, Term 2


UNCRC article 31 (leisure, play and culture) Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

Book Week Scotland

We've had a great week for Book Week Scotland!

After a fun week of Secondary Countdown heats, our S5 boys team were the first pupil team to win the staff versus pupils competition in 7 years, a huge well done to Jameson, Wilfie, Daniel and Matthew who stood in for Nicolas today.

P2 and P3 have received their Read, Write and Count bags, P1 will receive their bookbug bags too. Nursery were also gifted some books from Miss Gibbon's cupboard.

Upper Primary pupils received visit from Renita Boyle the following Tuesday also as part of Book Week Scotland celebrations with thanks to the Wigtown Book Festival for arranging.





Article 31 (leisure, play and culture)

Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities. 

Moffat Academy Pipe Band

On Friday the Moffat Academy Pipe Band had their first outing. They were invited to surprise the Harmony Club at the Town Hall and were made most welcome. The hospitality and generosity of the Town Hall and all the community members present was just incredible, and all enjoyed a beautiful lunch after playing for everyone. The band gratefully received a cheque for £300 from the Town Hall as well as over £150 from community members on the day. Their support is so appreciated, and will go toward ensuring the band members have what they need to continue in their lessons. We look forward to returning again in the future to show everyone how we are progressing. A truly wonderful afternoon in wonderful company. Thank you to everyone. And a huge well done to all the band members who did us proud as always.



 Some videos of the monthly pipe band workshop at NWCC.

Apologies - we missed our young groups in the morning but they were brilliant too! Well done everyone! 




Article 29 (goals of education)

Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

RRSS Group Litter Pick

Moffat academy's Rights Respecting Schools Steering Group have been busy organising a litter pick.  Volunteers from both the Primary and Secondary took part in a litter pick in the area around the school and Station Park. They also provided dispensers for dog poo bags to help everyone in the community keep Moffat clean. The litter pick and the provision of dog poo bag dispensers are not just about cleaning up the community, but also about empowering children to exercise their rights and contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment. 

Article 24 - Health, Food Water, Environment

Article 12 - Respect for Children's Views

Article 29 - Aims of Education

St Andrew's Day

Well done Ryan Wilson for piping us all into school on Saint Andrew's Day 2024.

Christmas Concert

End of Term Visit to the Upper Annandale Parish Church

A few clips from our visit to UAPC with some very talented musicians and our young people enjoying performing a few good Christmas songs. The video kicks off with an impromptu sing-a-long with Mrs Woods.