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Beattock and Moffat Academy Cluster

Young Ambassadors, Secondary, 2022/23, Term 1

YOUNG AMBASSADORS CONFERENCE 2022 | Two young people from our school, Rose Brown and Lorna Minto had the opportunity to attend the Young Ambassadors Conference at the home of Scottish Football, Hampden Park, Glasgow earlier this week.

 Each year two pupils from every secondary school in Scotland have the opportunity to be selected as Young Ambassadors to promote sport and motivate and inspire other young people to get involved in sport in their schools, clubs and local communities or to be more physically active.

 The Young Ambassadors programme is organised by sportscotland and is funded by the National Lottery. It is a key element of sportscotland’s contribution to developing young people as leaders in sport. They believe that young people make a meaningful and important contribution as leaders in sport, and that young people should have access to a range of opportunities of leadership roles which reflect their interests and abilities.