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Beattock and Moffat Academy Cluster


Welcome P7!!


Our transition programme across each school session provides a framework to support pupils, families and schools in the transition from primary to secondary school, thereby enabling pupils to manage change and become more confident individuals, successful learners, responsible citizens and effective contributors. This is underpinned by the recommendations in ‘How Good Is Our School 4’, with particular reference to Quality Indicator 2.6 – Transitions. 

Click here to take you to school tours, introductions and our transition leaflet.

Key Themes 

Arrangements to support learners and their families

  • Young people and their parents and carers are actively engaged in P7 to S1 transition.
  • Young people’s mental, emotional, social and physical needs are taken very good account of when we are planning transitions, including during any shared activities and experiences.
  • There are effective arrangements in place to involve families and relevant agencies in planning transition for those requiring additional support. 

Collaborative planning and delivery

  • There is a comprehensive, well-planned programme of transition arrangements in place.
  • We work collaboratively across our learning community and cluster to ensure effective information sharing about learners’ progress and needs.
  • Arrangements are in place for the transfer of information from primary to secondary through various means: Transition Forms, Parental Questionnaires, P7 reports, attainment data and the P7 Pupil Profiles, using digital technology to support this as appropriate. 

Continuity and progression in learning

  • We aim to ensure continuity and progression in learning across all curriculum areas.
  • We are making developments with working collaboratively to develop a shared understanding of progress both within our establishment and with others.
  • We are improving the use of tracking and monitoring and profiling to help young people identify strengths and next steps in learning. This allows our young people to continue to build their knowledge, skills and attributes and maintain an appropriate pace of progress.