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Beattock and Moffat Academy Cluster

Parent Portal 

In support of Dumfries & Galloway Council’s ambition to transform communications between parents/carers and schools, we have been asked to become a pilot school for a new “Parents Portal” prior to it being rolled out across Dumfries and Galloway.


Sign up HERE

Parent Info Letter

Please could all parents sign up by Christmas before the launch in January 2023.


 This portal is designed to replace the “schoolbag run”, giving parents online access to a range of school-related services. At the heart of the system is a secure online account through mygov.scot which is referred to as a “My Account”. This is already being used in Dumfries & Galloway Schools to enable parents to pay for school lunches. If you already have a “My Account”, you can use the details to then log into Parents Portal. You may have created a “My Account” for paying for lunches or booking a slot at the Recycling Facility.

Initially, this new service will introduce basic information about your young person’s school and will allow you to:-

 Link to your young person;

 Report an absence for your young person (from January 2023);

 View the school’s Tracking & Monitoring Calendar. Our main “events” calendar will still be on our school website;

 View your young person’s class timetable (Secondary only);

 View your young person’s attendance record;

 Complete the Annual Data Check process electronically (main contact only);

 Update your own as well as your young person’s details at any time;

 Access online school payments (iPayImpact) which will enable you to pay for trips online (this will be rolled out later);

 Complete consent forms for trips etc.;

 Book Parent Consultation appointments (Primary only initially but this is hoped to be rolled out to Secondary in the near future).

As the product develops we look forward to seeing more services introduced. Moffat Academy are excited to be part of the first phase of this roll out which creates a digital relationship between parents, young people and schools.