School Dress
School Clothing Grants:-
The award of clothing grants is to assist with the cost of school clothing for families who are on a qualifying benefit or on low income. The current award is £134 per child.
Guidance and more information is available at .
While it would not normally be the policy of the authority to exclude a pupil from school solely based on his/her dress, persistent refusal to respond to a reasonable dress code could be deemed to be a challenge to the Head Teacher’s authority and thus be detrimental to the wellbeing of the whole school community. In such circumstances, a Head Teacher could justify the use of the school disciplinary procedures.
Skills, Education and Learning Directorate are committed to supporting families through their Anti-Poverty Strategy - details of which can be found at
There is also a School Uniform Bank Project. Donation and Collection information can be found at article/15246/School-clothing-grants